COCO format
Transforms v2: End-to-end object detection/segmentation example
Transforms v2: End-to-end object detection/segmentation example -
Youtube video introducing COCO
COCO Dataset Format - Complete Walkthrough -
Blog that introduces COCO format
COCO format , what and how
Waht is COCO format
The COCO (Common Objects in Context) format is a standard format for storing and sharing annotations for images and videos. It was developed for the COCO image and video recognition challenge, which is a large-scale benchmark for object detection and image segmentation.In the COCO format, annotations are stored in a JSON file, which contains information about the image or video, including the file path, size, and a list of annotated objects. Each object is represented by a bounding box, which specifies the location and size of the object in the image, as well as a label indicating the class of the object.
Code Demo
How to create mask images from COCO annotations?
1 | # %% |
How to save the mask
1 | # %% |